mick wins the third match

the third match saw 13 anglers from Exel AC and guests compete for the 3rd charity match of the season on a wet and miserable Makins lake 2 .
Over half the match spent under umbrella for most unless you were hardcore and went without.
A mixture of tactics seen including feeder to the island , long pole and short as well as a few arrivals late in the edge .
The lake has fished a lot better than recent matches we have held on there so can’t complain overall.
Massive thankyou to Steve Rayner donating a massive £343 to the charity pot from his raffle at work “superb effort” !! .
And thank you to Darren Bullock for turning up and paying his fees even though he wasn’t well enough to compete .
Top weights below and congratulations to all that picked up money. Charity pot after today and donation now stands at £1139 FANTASTIC EFFORT!!!
Over half the match spent under umbrella for most unless you were hardcore and went without.
A mixture of tactics seen including feeder to the island , long pole and short as well as a few arrivals late in the edge .
The lake has fished a lot better than recent matches we have held on there so can’t complain overall.
Massive thankyou to Steve Rayner donating a massive £343 to the charity pot from his raffle at work “superb effort” !! .
And thank you to Darren Bullock for turning up and paying his fees even though he wasn’t well enough to compete .
Top weights below and congratulations to all that picked up money. Charity pot after today and donation now stands at £1139 FANTASTIC EFFORT!!!